7/365: Missed snow day photo-op

Chicago is under Winter Storm warning from last night thru tomorrow noon. As such, we woke up to about 4-6 inches of snow and it was steadily falling all day. To avoid the commute, I worked from home today and was hoping that I would then have the opportunity to get out at lunch to shoot some snow scenes.

It always amazes me how much light is invisible to the eye. By the time I found time to stop working and get out of the house, it was dark and there was no more natural light available. I would have been stuck with raising my ISO again or doing flash photography. Fortunately, I do have access to a tripod which allowed me to do some long exposure shots. I put on my coat, boots, grabbed the camera and the tripod and walked around the house to see what I can salvage from what should have been a pretty snow day opportunity.

This is the view from my backyard. I liked this just because it is so drastically different from what the eye can actually see when I took the shot. I believe this was a 30s exposure. Now, compare this to the photo below which was taken with 8s exposure.

I know that lens flares are normally a no, no - but I've been wanting to do some photos with some star bursts, lens flare lately and didn't want to do it in photoshop. This one had more sun spots than I wanted but I liked the rays just fine.

We are expecting another 4-6 inches of snow tomorrow, so maybe I will finally get my pretty snow picture.


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