23/365: Y's Birthday Party
3rd party in row! This weekend is Y's long awaited birthday party. We normally schedule her birthday party around this time in January because the 2nd is too close to the holidays and who knows who can come ?! Instead, we keep that day to celebrate Y's and my brother's birthday with family instead. While I've been researching and preparing for this party for a while - I wasn't really able to spend time to execute any of the plans until last weekend! With all work slowing down, and the long weekend over MLK, twas the perfect time to finish all the preparations, and invitations. Apparently, Blue is no longer very popular so the party stores don't carry her as a theme anymore. I had to order theme related stuff online, drive over a couple of neighboring cities to find a Target with the cake in stock and had to manually do the rest.

There's also the small matter of Y flip flopping between being excited about her party, and NOT wanting a party at all (she's a little shy). But in the end, it was all good, she had fun and I hope all our friends had fun as well.

There's also the small matter of Y flip flopping between being excited about her party, and NOT wanting a party at all (she's a little shy). But in the end, it was all good, she had fun and I hope all our friends had fun as well.
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