21/365: Bowling with the Krafties
Q4 over... projects all launched... Time to party! Went bowling at 10pin after work with all the team members working on the account. It was a fun night! I think I played 5 games, and should have stopped at 3. I had a great game, and I had the worst.game.ever! I should have stopped while I was ahead! :)

Even though we were having fun, I had to find my photo of the day. This drink became a topic of conversation because we didn't know what it was. Since it was laser bowling, the drink "glowed". I just had to take it's picture.

Even though we were having fun, I had to find my photo of the day. This drink became a topic of conversation because we didn't know what it was. Since it was laser bowling, the drink "glowed". I just had to take it's picture.
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