48/365: Sweetheart candies

I know Valentines day is over - but everywhere around the house, we continue to have reminders and everyday, X eats something from her Valentines treat bag from school. I was having a conversation in the office, and a colleague mentioned that he found the phrase "Tweet me" in one of these sweetheart candies.

So, curious - I grabbed X's box of candies and started going thru each one to find "Tweet me" for the photo of the day. I found "XOXOXO", but unfortunately didn't find "Tweet me". I did find something that said "weet _e" but it wasn't printed clearly and could have been "Sweet Pea" for all I know!

Tweet me, where are you?

If you find "Tweet me" or something equally modern, reply and share! :)

Totally out of topic, X tells me: "Mommy, XOXOXO kisses!". Where did she get that?!


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