
Showing posts from September, 2011
Craving for some Texas style Rudy's Cream of Corn. Anyone knows where to get one in Chicagoland?
Y@ is 1 month old! Aaand, I still haven't done a shoot.
No more milk, eggs and peanut allergies for Z! Shellfish remains and something new we tested... Dust mites! Ack.
Y@'s umbilical cord finally fell off... But I can't seem to find it.
Ms. Philippines made the top 10, I guess I have to watch Ms Universe now. Though having a hard time explaining the concept to my 6 yo.
Man, True Blood is killing off everyone tonight...
Amazon refunded two of my recurring orders for being Undeliverable, even though its the same address I use on all other orders. WTF?
My RF password has expired and there's no way for me to change it while on ML. Now, that's one way to ensure I don't read work emails!
Things I've forgotten: how exhausting 2 hour feedings could be and what a rush the letdown process is...